Monday, January 11, 2010

Around The World: Africa

Hello Followers. Welcome to "Around the World" week. This Week I will be visiting a different country and showing you looks that based on the people and culture of each days location. Like always I will be mixing in my own style with each look. Today's location is... Africa

When I think of Africa I more or less thing about two things. The first thing is the wildlife, Africa has a amazing and diverse population of animals. My favorite being the giraffe which explains the printed pants. The second thing I think of would be the tribes people of Africa, the leather posture collar is a modern replacement of the comment practice of using metal rings to stretch their necks.

Skin: CheerNo GloX - Venus.Zanza PAINT
Eyes: :: Exodi :: Look Into My (Brown)

Shirt: Emery - Tee Men R.F. #Pure
Pants: Cheerno.Leggings Giraffe #3

Shoes: UBU Drunks
Collar: Hat Mechanic Maus Collar
Necklace: ::: B@R ::: Jungle Prince Necklace
Sculpted ear: AITUI - (Type 2) Stretched Ears - Human - 1 & 1/2"

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